Business Bill Pay
Convenient in more ways than one.
- Make payments of up to $9,999 from your business or personal checking accounts
- Schedule payments in advance, even for recurring expenses, such as rent or equipment leases
- Run customized reports to track spending
Receive and view bills the easy way – online.
- View online versions of your bills from select vendors, such as phone, utility, insurance and more
- Receive email alerts to manage your payments
Added security with convenient access.
- Reduce the number of paper checks by using secure electronic payments
- Multiple access levels allow you to delegate work while maintaining control over disbursements
- Payee information is stored online, streamlining future payments
Business Bill Pay is $9.95 per monthly billing cycle. Includes up to 20 payments per month—$0.75 fee for each additional payment. Refer to your account agreement for more information.